Please complete the Run Calgary Volunteer Profile form below to be added to our volunteer community.
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What is your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Please confirm your email address *
First Name *
Preferred Name (if different from above)
Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns *
Phone number *

For example, 123-456-7890
What is your date of birth? *

A valid date as DD/MM/YYYY (for example: 30/11/2015)
Why do I need to provide my date of birth? Your date of birth is used to ensure your volunteer waiver is appropriately signed and to confirm you meet any age requirements that may be in place for specific volunteer roles.
Address *
Apartment or Unit Number
City *
Province *
Postal Code (i.e. X1X 1X1) *
T-shirt Size (Unisex) - please note we have limited quantities of certain sizes and will try out best to provide your sizing choice. *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Relationship *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Alternate Method (such as SMS#, Text #, email, different phone number, etc.)
Do you speak a language other than English?
How did you hear about volunteering for Run Calgary? *
May we contact you about volunteering at events - other than the Servus Calgary Marathon - that are operated by the Calgary Marathon Society (Run Calgary)? *
Could you please share your TOP THREE reasons for volunteering? Your insights will help us better understand what is meaningful for our volunteer community, so that we can continue to improve our programs. *

Do you consent to receive marketing communication from Run Calgary? *
Run Calgary Health and Safety Policy Acceptance *